Supply Chains in the Manufacturing Industry

The multi-trillion-dollar global manufacturing sector is up against worldwide economic challenges complicated by trade policy turbulence, but market opportunities still abound. Performance-driven goals help executives strengthen their manufacturing supply chains and prepare for near-term successes.

Spanning numerous global markets with everything from aircraft to zippers, the manufacturing industry rides a wave of rapidly changing business dynamics. Global trade is a focal point in the boardroom, tariff increases impact financial provisions, merger and acquisition (M&A) activity demands supply chain synchronization, and supply chain redesign is often necessary to curb costs. To avoid suboptimal financial performance, decreased market share and non-compliance, manufacturers must eliminate business risks and address supply chain challenges.

C-level executives and supply chain leadership teams can better navigate today’s shifting global economy and volatile trade policies by concentrating on three essentials:

  • Sustainable growth: Acquisitions and partnerships for expanding product portfolios and entering new markets
  • Improved asset utilization: Automated and demand-led supply chain execution to optimize manufacturing investments and reduce inventory
  • Cost control: Decreasing the impact of global trade turbulence by re-evaluating supply chain planning, execution and design

In this white paper, you’ll discover key tactics for achieving long-term growth, improving balance sheet performance and controlling costs when facing the unpredictable.

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