Unleash Your Brand’s Business Potential with the Five Forces Model

Porter’s Five Forces model as a strategic channel framework

In 1979, renowned business strategist, Michael Porter introduced the now classic “Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy” model in Harvard Business Review. This framework, often referred to as “Porter’s five forces model,” is an invaluable strategic formulation. The five dominant forces that shape the trajectory of a brand’s go-to-market-strategy include:

  1. Channel rivalry
  2. The significance of ecosystems
  3. The surge of novel commercial models
  4. Susceptibility to external disruption
  5. Focus on sustainability

As time-tested as the Five Forces model is, an industry with an ever-evolving landscape needs a fresh perspective—one that aligns with today’s realities in the channel realm.

Applying e2open’s Partner Five Forces your channel management

Inspired by Porter’s renowned strategic model, e2open Partner Five Forces model focuses exclusively on channel strategy. While maintaining the same universality, rationality, and simplicity as Porter’s model, e2open’s model illuminates channel strategies that can reveal opportunities for unparalleled growth and competitive advantages.

Think of e2open’s model as a gateway to competitive advantage through robust channel strategies. To harness its potential, your brand needs to implement adaptive processes, agile governance, and a responsive infrastructure that features the following:

  1. A comprehensive network of connected ecosystem partners
  2. Versatile technology (applications, communications, data, analytics, and more)
  3. Deep analytical insights triggering course corrections
  4. Integrated applications for seamless execution
  5. Autonomous artificial intelligence (AI) driven responses

For insights on how e2open’s model can help transform your brand’s journey toward distinction amid competition, download our white paper, Partner Five Forces: A Business Success Model Based on Porter’s Five Forces. Or contact e2open to discuss how we can help infuse your channel ecosystem with strength, resilience, and innovation.

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