2024 Forecasting and Inventory Benchmark Study - Now Available!

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Working in Concert: How Supply Chain Planning Software Streamlined a US Audio Company

~ 1 min Read
A Powerful Combination of Supply Planning and Collaboration

Learn how a combination of supply planning and collaboration provides control over component inventory liabilities and supply assurance

This US audio manufacturer was facing challenges common to the audio technology category. Like many other companies in this space, the organization relies on outsourced electronic contract manufacturing (CMs) providers to produce its products, and these CMs require constant oversight to ensure components are always available. Faced with both demand volatility and supply shortages, the company was struggling to manage multiple CMs, resolve Bill of Material (BOM) mismatches, and manage supply assurance.

The company chose to implement a combination of e2open supply chain planning software to face these challenges, including Supply Forecast Collaboration, Supply Inventory Collaboration, and Multi-Echelon Inventory Optimization. The solutions provided shadow planning and CM component visibility, enabled forecast and inventory collaboration with CMs and suppliers, and implemented inventory optimization for sustainable targets.

Read our case study to learn how e2open helped the company reduce supply chain risk, mitigate shortages faster, enhance productivity, and improve control over inventory liabilities and supply assurance.

Contact e2open today to learn more about how Planning and Supply Collaboration solutions can help you improve productivity and customer satisfaction.

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