Resource Center

Webinars on Demand

Talking Logistics: Mitigating Forced Labor Risks – Strategies for a Resilient Supply Chain

Tune in to this on-demand webinar with Sung Choi, AVP of Solution Consulting at e2open, and Adrian Gonzalez, Presid...
LinkedIn Lives

Navigating UFLPA and EU Supply Chain Act: Insights and Strategies

View this LinkedIn Live session to explore how to mitigate risks in your supply chain and navigate forced labor reg...
Case Studies

Auto Manufacturer Centralizes Restricted Party Screening and Compliance Operations

A unified platform to standardize risk management A global automotive leader recognized that its existing restricte...
Case Studies

Optimized Compliance and Lower Costs with e2open’s Single Customs Platform 

Streamline customs operations effortlessly with our customs filling solutions With the adoption of e2open’s c...
Case Studies

Transformative Global Trade with Automated Customs Filing

From manual to modern: a manufacturer’s customs evolution A worldwide manufacturer faced challenges with outd...

Unlock the Strategic Advantage of Automated Customs Declarations

Understanding the power and flexibility of e2open Customs Filing solution In e2open’s ebook, Empower Your Busines...
Case Studies

A Japanese Car Manufacturer’s Success Story: Bonded Warehouse Solutions

Automotive compliance mastery: optimizing cash flow and efficiency Discover how a Japanese automotive leader overca...
Webinars on Demand

Supply Chain Due Diligence: Risk, Recommendations, and the Future of Sustainability

Corporate leaders and regulators are increasingly focused on non-financial business outcomes. Climate change and hu...
Webinars on Demand

Why leave money on the table? Take the pain out of duty savings programs

Most companies think it’s too complex to take advantage of duty savings programs like free trade agreements, cust...

Automated Global Trade: A Game Changer and Competitive Differentiator for Renault

Jean-Paul Verschoor, Origin Responsible Manager at Renault Group, explains how the company is improving efficiencie...
Webinars on Demand

5 Emerging Trends in Export Controls

Join the Global Trade Academy to explore the tightening export controls in the Americas and Europe, and discuss the...
Data Sheets

Duty Management

Reducing customs duties and tariffs can significantly raise margins. However, most organizations struggle to manual...
Webinars on Demand

Carrier Risk and Cargo Security: How to Cover Your Assets

Recent news about lost or destroyed cargo highlight the need for cargo transporters to safeguard their vessels, air...
Data Sheets

Due Diligence Screening

Global supply chains are one of the most collaborative environments in an organization, thus inherently the most vu...

Due Diligence Gets Its Due: Cargo Compliance Screening for Global Logistics Providers

Get your complimentary copy of this eBook to learn how an automated system can make export and import due diligence...
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