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Glossary Term

What is Channel Data?

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Term: Channel Data

Channel data refers to metrics pulled from distribution channels within the supply chain, including sales, distributor, inventory, and partner performance within multi-channel or multi-tiered distribution networks. This data can provide crucial insights into partner activity and effectiveness.

Key Benefits of channel data

Improved performance

Accurate, actionable data informs businesses where improvements can be made and helps them to streamline operations, increase efficiencies, and reduce waste. Channel data management around customer habits can also improve customer satisfaction by informing businesses where there are new opportunities to meet their audiences’ needs and preferences.

Identify opportunities

Channel data helps businesses identify new or emerging markets, which could potentially lead to new revenue streams. It can help businesses build stronger partner relationships by identifying high performers and allowing them to be rewarded and incentivized for their efforts. On a more granular level, channel data also helps businesses localize efforts on the ground based on regional performance and behavioral indicators.

Product management

Channel data provides insight into how, when, where, and why customers are using certain products (or not using them). This information can then be used to adjust existing product offerings or create new ones altogether.

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Term: Channel Data

Categories: Channel
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