
E2open Road Freight Market Index


E2open Road Freight Market Index

Identify opportunities and tradeoffs between cost and service so you can make better business decisions.

E2open’s network data and analyses are a product of real-time, anonymized metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) revealing the true state of logistics. The e2open Road Freight Market Index report is a one-of-a-kind benchmark of transportation-specific KPIs derived from the over $18 billion in annualized freight under management (FUM) transacting within the e2open’s North American over-the-road network.

This report provides intelligence that helps supply chain experts understand how their organizational performance compares to industry standards across an elaborate set of key performance indicators. As a result, leaders gain visibility into new opportunities and a better awareness of the tradeoffs between cost and service.

Complete the form to subscribe and receive the e2open Road Freight Market Index for much-needed practical insights that enable more strategic decision-making.

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