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Solution Guides

Solution Guides

AI Buyer’s Guide: Supply Chain Use Cases

The increasing speed and complexity of modern supply chains demands a lot of time and effort from the humans that m...
Solution Guides

AI Buyer’s Guide: Data is the Currency

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming global supply chains, making operations smarter, faster, and more resi...
Solution Guides

Is Shadow Planning Right for You? Assessing Your Manufacturing and Supply Visibility.

Modern supply chain managers juggle an amazing number of uncertainties. From geopolitical tensions to sudden weathe...
Solution Guides

The Connected TMS: 4 Advantages of a Reusable Carrier Network

The world’s largest carrier network, at your fingertips. The secret to success relies on resilience, adaptability...
Solution Guides

More than the Basics: The Ultimate Pocket Guide to Supply Chain Resiliency

Are fragmented data, inefficiencies, and rising costs holding your supply chain back? This comparison guide is desi...
Solution Guides

Accelerate Growth with Efficient Supply Collaboration and Digitalization

E2open’s supply chain solutions help companies drive efficient supply collaboration, reduce costs, and enhanc...
Solution Guides

Tapping into the Critical Role Data Plays in AI​ in Supply Chain ​

A buyer’s guide that goes beyond the AI hype in supply chain The marketing hype around artificial intelligence (A...
Solution Guides

How Supply Chain Decisions are Optimized with AI

Five real-world use cases on the transformative impact of AI on supply chains Artificial intelligence (AI) is an ev...
Solution Guides

​E2open’s ​Guide to Revolutionize Your Business Through a Subscription​​ ​Revenue Model​​

Subscription excellence and deeper customer relationships The transformative potential of subscription revenue mode...
Solution Guides

Guide to Successful Subscription Business Models

Subscription revenue models have steadily gained traction over the last decade. Netflix tops the list of the most r...
Solution Guides

A Guide to Spot Rates and Digital Freight Brokerage

For anyone following the ongoing discussion surrounding supply chain challenges and high transportation costs has a...
Solution Guides

Understanding Dual-use Products and Ensuring Compliance

Dual-use products encompass a broad range of items that have both civilian and military applications. These product...
Solution Guides

Understanding Sub-Tier Supply Collaboration

As the world becomes more connected, so does the modern supply chain. However, this has revealed the complex relati...


July 08, 2022

The Connected Retail Supply Chain

Contributed by Nicole Leinbach Reyhle, Founder of Retail Minded
Achieving a connected supply chain has proven itself a challenge time and time again, particularly as our global economy continues to recover from the pandemic. Keeping this in mind, the National Retail Federation’s recent, debut 360 Supply Chain event was a welcomed experience that delivered valuable insight and solutions for industry decision makers looking to optimize their supply chain efforts.

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