In Verbindung treten: Die Reise von Jaguar Land Rover zur Outside-In Perspektive

~ 1 min Read

As presented at the Gartner Supply Chain Symposium/Xpo™ 2021, Jaguar Land Rover is rethinking its supply chain management processes by transitioning from a functionally organized, sequential inside-out mindset to a new outside-in network orchestration. James Hamilton, who leads the digital supply chain transformation effort at Jaguar Land Rover Automotive, talks about the company’s journey, providing recommendations based on experience. The process is as much about changing behaviors and collaborating with suppliers as it is about technology.

Solution Provider Session

Learn how Jaguar Land Rover is fundamentally rethinking Supply Chain Management by moving from a functionally organized, sequential inside-out mindset to an outside-in network orchestration. The journey is as much about changing behaviors and collaborating with suppliers as it is about technology.
James Hamilton
Digital Supply Chain Transformation
Jaguar Land Rover Automotive

In Verbindung treten: Die Reise von Jaguar Land Rover zur Outside-In Perspektive
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