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Press Releases
Press Releases
Connect 2024: Moving as One in Orlando
E2open's Connect 2024, our largest annual customer event, has just wrapped up in Orlando, Florida. The three-and-a-half-day conference was packed with networking, learning, and innovation, bringing together industry leaders, clients, and partners to explore the future of supply chain management.
“Why Are the Shelves Empty, Dad?”: How Hurricanes Impact the Supply Chain
The other day at the grocery store, my 10-year-old son asked me a simple question, “Dad, why are the shelves empty?” He’d noticed some of his favorite snacks missing, and it struck him as strange. Little did he know, the answer was anything but simple. I explained that hurricanes were causing a lot more problems than just bad weather – they were affecting the supply chain, too.
Employee Spotlight: Heidi Roop
E2open is powered by a strong global network of problem solvers and innovators driven by strong values and our company culture. Together, we are focused on doing what’s right in business and in our communities. Every month, we will shine a spotlight on an exceptional team member who is helping us transform the supply chain industry. This month, we held a Q&A with Heidi Roop, Logistics Manager at e2open.
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: Reshaping Global Trade for a Greener Future
As the urgency to combat climate change intensifies, the European Union is taking bold steps to create a more sustainable future. One of the most significant initiatives for this is a broader commitment by the EU to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 known as the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, or CBAM, which will have far-reaching implications for companies importing goods into the EU. This blog post will explain what CBAM is, its key dates, why it’s important, its implications for businesses and international trade, and how your company can stay ahead to maintain compliance.
The Port Strike: 5 Ways to Help Manage Large-Scale Disruptions
Thousands of dockworkers along the East and Gulf coasts began a historic strike just after midnight on October 1, 2024. This work stoppage, the first of its kind since 1977, has brought operations to a grinding halt at 14 major ports from Texas to New England, threatening to disrupt the flow of more than half of the nation’s containerized trade. Unlike the major strike in the 70’s, our reliance on the global economy and supply chains is now much greater, so the shutdown is expected to have a wide and immediate impact, from the shortage of everyday items to increased shipping costs, retail prices, and the global transportation infrastructure.
E2open Releases 2024 Forecasting and Inventory Benchmark Study: Lessons from the Pandemic for Future Resilience
Orlando, FL – October 2, 2024 – E2open Parent Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ETWO), the connected supply chain SaaS platform with the largest multi-enterprise network, announced today at its annual Connect customer conference the release of its highly anticipated 2024 Forecasting and Inventory Benchmark Study. This in-depth special report provides an extensive analysis of supply chain performance throughout the entirety of the biggest disruption in modern history, the COVID-19 pandemic — offering unique insights that cover the years before, during and after the pandemic’s impact.
4 Ways the Recent Fed Rate Cut Will Boost Your Supply Chain
The recent rate cut by the Federal Reserve - the first since the pandemic began in 2020 - lowered borrowing costs by half a percentage point and marks a significant shift in monetary policy. This move is particularly beneficial for manufacturers, retailers, and distributors as the rate cut stimulates consumer spending and increases demand across the supply chain.
Guest Blog: The Most Common Ways Freight Gets Stolen and How to Prevent It from Happening to You
With so many high-value products shipped around the United States every day, it’s no surprise criminals target freight. Despite the logistics industry’s efforts to improve security, thieves still manage to steal everything from food, electronics, household goods, and valuable metals (such as copper.) What’s more, thieves are always looking for ways to evolve their methods and create new schemes. Here are three of the most common ways freight gets stolen:
Five Supply Chain Trends Shaping the Future of Sourcing, Trade, and Logistics, Pt.2
Like a Formula 1 race car, supply chain trends move at breakneck speed. Every week, it seems like there are new regulations, geopolitical crises, climate events, or sanctions zooming by that keep you on the edge of your seat. If you blink, you’ll miss it and be left in the dust. Which is why it pays to keep up with supply chain and global trade events and understand how they can impact your business.