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The e2open Carrier Marketplace

An opportunity-rich marketplace that meets carriers where they are and empowers them to move ahead

White Semi-Trailer Truck Heading down a four-lane Highway at Dusk

Expand your presence and distinguish yourself in the market. The e2open Carrier Marketplace, formerly known as BluJay’s Carrier Network, provides opportunities such as the ability to leverage technology partners, carrier-specific performance scorecards that can lead to new shipper introductions, more accurate revenue recognition, the option to use targeted marketing initiatives for increased visibility, and support for a richer RFP process with shippers. Lower transaction costs along with the alignment of price and value through a no-cost option or value-based fees give you a head start in advancing your business.


Efficiently connect, coordinate, and collaborate

Enrollment is now open!

Enroll now in e2open Carrier Marketplace

The e2open Carrier Marketplace is an innovative program that enables you to elevate your connectivity as your business grows. Determine the level of participation that suits your business and start connecting with shippers quickly and efficiently. The value you receive is linked to the price you pay, positioning you for success and ongoing enhancements.


Carrier Web Connect+

Added capabilities that couple with the e2open Transportation Management portal

  • Web Connect functionality​
  • Basic Quarterly Carrier Scorecard​
  • Can qualify for Certified Carrier Program (Silver, Gold, Platinum)​
  • Procurement Discovery based on certification​
  • “Member of e2open Carrier Marketplace” logo for use on the carrier’s website

Annual Loads Annual Fee
0-700 $549
Over 700 $1,199
More Info

Carrier eConnect

System integration for added efficiency

  • Web Connect+ functionality​
  • Optional EDI connectivity*
  • Advanced Quarterly Carrier Scorecard
  • Can qualify for Certified Carrier Program (Silver, Gold, Platinum)​
  • Procurement Discovery
  • Company logo displayed on Carrier page of e2open website​
  • “Member of e2open Carrier Marketplace” logo for use on the carrier’s website
Annual Loads Annual Fee
0-5,000 $4,200
5,001 – 10,000 $6,600
Over 10,000 $9,600
More Info

Carrier eConnect+

Enhanced system integration and full capabilities

  • Web Connect+ functionality
  • Optional EDI connectivity AND API connectivity for low/no touch TMS collaboration*
  • Advanced Quarterly Carrier Scorecard
  • Can qualify for Certified Carrier Program ​(Silver, Gold, Platinum)​
  • Procurement Discovery​
  • Company logo displayed on Carrier page of e2open website
  • “Member of e2open Carrier Marketplace” logo for use on the carrier’s website
  • Option to buy Premium Marketing package

Annual Loads Annual Fee
0-5,000 $18,000
5,001 – 15,000 $30,000
15,001 – 25,000 $42,000
Over 25,000 Contact Us for Quote
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Carrier LTLConnect

Deep level of integration and enhanced services

  • Web Connect+ functionality
  • Optional EDI connectivity
  • Real-Time Rating for LTL shipments, Spot Market, Billing and Communication APIs
  • Advanced Quarterly Carrier Scorecard
  • Can qualify for Certified Carrier Program ​(Silver, Gold, Platinum)​
  • Procurement Discovery​
  • Company logo listed on Carrier page of e2open website
  • "Member of e2open Carrier Marketplace" logo for use on the Carrier’s website
  • Option to buy Premium Marketing package

Annual Loads Annual Fee
0-20,000 $18,000
20,001 – 50,000 $30,000
50,001 – 100,000 $42,000
Over 100,000 Contact Us for Quote
More Info
Increase in in-transit visibility


Increase in in-transit visibility

Less inventory


Less inventory

Expedited shipment cost reduction


Expedited shipment cost reduction

Frequently asked questions

Learn more about how e2open Carrier Marketplace works in our frequently asked questions (FAQs) below. You can also email CarrierMarketplace@e2open.com or contact us to speak with a TMS professional.

  • What are the benefits of purchasing a subscription?

    Answer: Carriers who purchase a subscription receive a quarterly Platform Scorecard that details your activity in the TMS and provides objective performance data across all your shippers customers. The Scorecard measures many KPIs, including On-Time Delivery, Tender Acceptance and more. The data is presented by lane and by customer. This allows you to identify areas of improvement and compare your performance to all the other carriers in the e2open TMS.

    Excellent performance on the Scorecard Report can lead to Certification (Silver, Gold, Platinum) which better enables e2open to share your company with shippers looking to procure new transportation partners.

    As our shipper customers prepare to go to market with their freight lanes, e2open works with them to understand their lanes, equipment and mode needs, and other factors. We use carrier profile information — with the certification level as a core component — to identify those carriers that are well-suited for a shipper to include in procurement events.

    This process is known as Procurement Discovery and can lead to increased business within the e2open TMS ecosystem.

    This document compares all the subscription levels and associated costs.

    This document gives more details about the Scorecard and Procurement Discovery.

    This document gives more details about integration and how they interact with workflows in the TMS.

  • I still have questions about which subscription is right for my company. How can I get answers?

    Answer: We are happy to help you, just email us at CarrierMarketplace@e2open.com.

  • How can I view the latest version of the Marketplace Terms & Conditions?

    Answer: Terms & Conditions are located at this link: https://marketplace.e2open.com/carrier-marketplace-terms-and-conditions/

  • My company does not have a SCAC/VAT. What do I do?

    Answer: We can help. If you do not have a SCAC code (North America) or VAT, an ID will be created for you. When subscribing, please indicate “None” when asked for your SCAC/VAT so we know we need to create a unique SCAC code for you.

  • My company is changing its name and/or the administrator of our account no longer works here. How do I update this?

    Answer: We are happy to help you. Please email  CarrierMarketplace@e2open.com with a request for name change by providing supporting documentation and for administrator change with the contact information of the new administrator.

    This document provides more detail about managing your Carrier Marketplace account and subscription.

  • How do I get more business within the e2open TMS?

    Answer: Take advantage of your subscription benefits. Your subscription includes powerful tools to help your company succeed. Here are some tips for increasing your efficiency and effectiveness for your customers:

    • Review the quarterly scorecard. This document provides detailed instructions to ensure the scorecard is sent to the right person each quarter.
    • Understand the data within the scorecard, and how it can help you improve your performance for your existing customers. This document explains the Scorecard in more detail.
    • If your high performance on the Scorecard results in a Silver, Gold, or Platinum Certification, you will also receive a badge graphic you can use in your company marketing, sales, website, and email signature.
    • Connect with the e2open Procurement Discovery team to review your scorecard and profile to ensure they have accurate information to use if/when opportunities arise to connect you with a new shipper customer.
    • Leverage integrations. eConnect, eConnect+ and LTLConnect subscriptions include EDI and API connections to the TMS. Once your SCAC code has been integrated, there is no additional charge to add more shippers. So make sure all your shippers can take advantage of your EDI and API capabilities.
  • How is my annual load volume calculated? Can I pull a report for myself?

    Answer: Yes. Any carrier user (admin role) can navigate within the TMS to Utilities > Reporting > Data Export and generate a report that shows the carrier’s load activity in the system for a date range.

    This document contains step-by-step instructions for accessing your report from the TMS.

  • What happens if we exceed the annual load volume limitation set in the Order Details?

    Answer: Your subscription will be automatically upgraded. At your next renewal/anniversary date, you will be billed at the new subscription level based on your past 12 months of load volume in the TMS. There are no overage charges or penalties for exceeding your volume limitation in the current subscription year.

  • If I decide to change to a lower program during the year, will I receive a refund?

    Answer: No. You can change your subscription to a lower level at any time, however, the annual subscription fees will not be adjusted until your next renewal/anniversary date and will be billed at the new rate at that time.

  • How can I upgrade my subscription?

    Answer: We can help. If you would like to upgrade your subscription, please request to do so here: Carrier Change Request. We will work with you to facilitate the upgrade and ensure that any related implementation projects are scheduled as well.

  • How can I Cancel my Subscription?

    Answer: If you would like to cancel your subscription, please request to do so here: Carrier Change Request. We will work with you to facilitate the expiration of your current subscription and ensure that it does not renew when the date is due.

    If you wish to cancel all connections effective immediately, please let us know by providing it in the feedback section of the form.

    No refunds will be issued for cancellations, and if any EDI or API implementations have been executed, they will be deleted, requiring a new project to establish the connection(s) in the future.

  • I purchased Implementation Services. Can you confirm when the project will start?

    Answer: Yes. Once your enrollment is complete, your company will be added to the implementation queue. An e2open implementation team member will reach out to you (normally within a few business days) to provide an estimated project start date. If you have any questions about your project details or timing, please contact CarrierEDI@e2open.com.

  • Can I pay with a check? What are the payment options?

    Answer: No, checks are not accepted. Payments are made in US Dollars and can be remitted via credit card or bank transfer (ACH). We also offer an invoice option for orders of $9,600 or more. Invoices must be paid via ACH. Annual subscription fees and integrations are due and payable in advance.

    This document contains more information about payment methods and procedures.

  • I’m a current TMS user and I only need to access the system through my browser. Do I have to purchase a subscription?

    Answer: You are not required to subscribe through the Carrier Marketplace. You can access the TMS through your browser for free. But, check out the platform scorecard, Certification, Procurement Discovery, and benefits of integration through EDI and API to explore how you can add more value to your ongoing usage. You can subscribe at any time if your business needs change.

  • As an existing user, will there be a change in how I receive support when I have an issue?

    Answer: There is no change. We are pleased to continue providing the same high-quality support. You will still access it through the customer support portal, just as you do today.

    This document (need a link) contains instructions to help you access support services from e2open.

  • My company has multiple SCAC codes. What do I do?

    Answer:  Please list all applicable SCAC values during your e2open Carrier Marketplace registration process. If you need to add an SCAC to your company’s account in the future, you can email CarrierMarketplace@e2open.com for assistance. There is no cost to add an additional SCAC to your subscription, but there may be one-time implementation costs if you decide to integrate via EDI or API through the eConnect, or eConnect+ subscriptions.

  • I move freight for shippers on Kewill Transport, Cloud Logistics, or another e2open solution. Does this program apply to all of them?

    Answer:  No. The carrier subscriptions available on the e2open Marketplace are exclusively for road carriers using the e2open Transportation Management for Shippers (Legacy LeanLogistics/BluJay TMS) solution. Integrations for Legacy Kewill Transportation (TMS-KT), Cloud Logistics, and other solutions are currently not available through the Carrier Marketplace. If you need integrations for Kewill or Cloud, please contact CarrierEDI@e2open.com and we will assist you.

Webinar on Demand

The e2open Carrier Marketplace Update: Exciting Changes for 2023

The e2open Marketplace is an innovative program that enables you to increase your connectivity as your business grows. Through the e2open Marketplace, you can leverage technology partners, receive detailed performance scorecards, achieve certification levels that can lead to new shipper introductions, and support a richer RFP process with shippers.

In June’s quarterly webinar, our experts introduced some recent enhancements to the e2open Marketplace and covered our Carrier Scorecard program. This webinar will cover some updates to the new and improved e2open Marketplace.